Monday, April 25, 2011

Collections or the lack of them

Recently we had the Superhero collection released, as previously posted there was a limit of 1 item per day, 1 Red bag Item and one Blue bag item but the point of a collection, is to collect them all!
So far with the Mystery Bag collection I managed to collect just 3 items on the first day, and since then just 1 Item since

 But what does someone have to go through to complete this collection? Here is today's run, the same as any other day, 100 Bags be them Red or blue for not one piece!

The same goes for the Brazil collection, sure I have 9 Pieces but I still cant get the collection completed, And its not for lack of trying, I collect my Brazil Properties at least twice a day, and I've tried robbing for them spent over 60K stamina for not one piece, And I collect my Daily Take hoping for day 5 to drop something worthwhile!

So I ask you, at what point does a collection just become to hard to complete? Sure opening over 100 Mystery bags SHOULD give you something worthwhile.... 1 Stamina boost, 1RP and 1 Skill point.... (The worthwhile stuff) as well as 97 Boosts! Whooo for more useless boosts!

Zynga its time to loosen up, Specially with the Precious collection! I'd love to start robbing for these!


  1. I was waiting for the Day 5 daily chance collection for my final piece of the above collection only to get my first piece of the Comic collection.. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. :/

  2. sorry, i whole heartedly disagree with this article. collections have always been to easy, with the exception of the daily chance and maybe the diamonds for the first few weeks, none have taken any effort to get, and i LIKE the idea that a collection doesn't just roll over and hand its self out after completing a few jobs.

  3. @Anonymous #2 LMAO you where never here for the early Collection, as each of the NY collections where added, NONE where easy to find (thats why so many where free gifts for quite some time) then Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok collections weren't easy to start with.... Oh and dont forget the operations collection, NOT all collections are EASY
    Sure Vegas, Italy and the Other Brazil collections are a walk over, but it seems with the Brazil collection you have to wait for Lucky day Number 5 to complete the stupid thing!
    P.S. Diamond's remained trade worthy for months after release, so they weren't easy to Vault either!

  4. your right, i wasn't around in the early days, but that doesnt mean i can have an opinion about what collection have become, which is nothing, they are just instant skill points for looking at districts. while that is fine with most collections, some deserve to be harder. a blog post complaining that the new mystery bag collection is to hard to complete because it can't be done within the first few days of it being release its to much.

  5. I would just like some confirmation that this collection is rare, and not just Zynga'ed, or rigged.

    I am sure that precious stones simply DO NOT DROP from robbing - Zynga'ed.

    Operation loot is another fine example. I am also sure that there is a limit (of 10 RARE loots) per day. Once I hit that limit, I no longer see any rare loot drop until the next day -- Rigged.
