Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Superhero Collection More Info!

With the release of the new Blue Mystery Bags as well as the new Red Mystery Bags, I thought it was about time to post some updates.... and address some concerns....

First the collection its self! and where to get them from?
Arachnid-Man Squirrel Man and Superbman all drop from Blue bags only
Freak Squad Blue Beacon General U.S.A.and Terrific Titan drop from Red bags only

Next adding the Superhero collection items to your wishlist that's not going to help you either as they don't drop. Who would of thought, Mystery bag collection items, NOT dropping from mystery bags? So put your Italy HEL back on your wishlist....

Finally to those players telling us that Customer support has told them you can only get 1 item per day, Well I've got bad news, they where Right! You can ONLY get 1 Blue collection piece and one Red collection Piece per day! So open as many bags as you need to, but once you find a collection piece swap bag types! Don't waste all your gifting limit on one bag type.....

Last piece of news about this Collection, its Ultra Rare, in Zynga speak that's less then a 1% chance of a collection piece dropping! So don't expect to get this one vaulted by the weekend, expect to spend some time on it!

Oh and Finally for those getting their hopes up according to Zynga its NOT re-vaultable, so this is a one time chance of getting 20 Skill points, after that trade away your spares as when something new hits the game it ALWAYS has a inflated trade price! So you might be better to cash in now for some nice IHEL and worry about the collection in a week or 2!


  1. Thanks very much for that piece of good info!

  2. I just collected one from the daily take and also got one when I reached the daily limit of collecting spiders and the spider turned into a mystery bag.

  3. I received Arachnid from a Secret Drop.
