Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Checklist by Team Spockholm

Ever wondered how long it was till your NY buildable items where ready, Your port was ready to build, forget about the daily take every day?
Mafia Wars use to have their own inbuilt checklist, with 3-4 items you had to do every day. Since then times have changed and we no longer have 3-4 Daily tasks, its more like 20! Have a hard time keeping track? I know I do!
Today I bring you Checklist by Team Spockholm and one of the best passive scripts we have seen to date!
Checklist is a simple bookmarklet that provides you a complete list of Daily tasks you have to complete in game!


The Checklist has the options above and quite a few more, providing you with gentle reminders of what you need to do, as well as keep separate timers on each item.
The best part of the checklist is its fully customisable! Clicking X removes that item from your checklist, Do it takes you to the required task, be it a War, Building in NY or cashing in your energy pack. Some tasks like getting 1000 slot spins in Las Vegas, have their own specially designed bookmarklet, Click "Do It" on these tasks and the bookmarklet will be run automatically, much faster then hunting in your list of favourites for the correct one!
And clicking the empty Tickbox resets your timer, and starts counting backwards till that task is ready again

Finally being that the checklist is timer based, Spockholm have taken the next step and integrated it with Facebook for those of us who play on more then one PC for those users there is Checklist Server Beta Which provides you with a similar bookmarklet but linked to your Facebook profile! Play at work or at Home the Checklist will transfer your timers from one place to the other for you!
If you havn't tired out the newest Version of the Checklist, now with a reminder for your Brazil properties, then now is time to do so! You can grab the Checklist, by dragging and dropping from here, Or by Visiting the Spockholms website here

For those looking for Checklist Server Beta you will have to head over here and install the Facebook application before setting a password and getting the bookmarklet there

A big THANKS to the Spockholms guys, because without them I would never remember the daily take any more, let alone things like Las Vegas Tournaments!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad that doing all this task would take me like 6hrs or so...
