Wednesday, May 11, 2011

FHEL5 Drops in Brazil

So now Zynga has fixed FHEL5 and all 4 items are dropping correctly now, how are the drop rates? Well 50K fights in Brazil says they aren't great
50,758 Fights Won
121 FHEL5 Items found
1 FHEL5 per 420 Stamina

A run in Bangkok will have to wait overnight at least, it takes 14+ Hours for me to do a run in Bangkok or NewYork


  1. I'm running brawler right now and I've looted 175 FHEL5 with 34000 fights won and 255 losses. I'll repost after 50,000.

  2. earlier today , i ran brawler in brazil and drop rate was like 10k stam for 85 FHEL5
