Sunday, March 27, 2011

Problems with Unframing

Yesterday Zynga pushed a update, that broke all popups, the catch is required popups like the bank, healing, and the robbing bonus didnt show up at all.... Later in the Day Zynga got around to fixing it, the bad news, is whatever fix they implemented it broke popups on a unframed page :(

The good news is the team @ Spockholm has been working on this problem all day

Playing unframed still isn't 100%, and to get any popup you have to click unframe a 2nd time after opening the game when doing so you will be greeted with this message

If you click OK you have Popups congrats!!! But each time you change pages, you cane expect every popup  that could show up on the page, coming to life!
If you click Cancel then you go back to a life without any popups including banking and healing!
remember that next time you say you want "no more popups", Some popups are part of the game!

In saying all that, it seems someone on the forums was digging in the source code for Mafia wars, and came across this comment line
"//this is done so the first promo can be seen after the user closes out half a dozen popups"

Hmmm Maybe Zynga is out to get us....
No news on if this is going to be a permanent part of our game, current bets are hedged towards the update that caused all these problems being rolled back, and someone sitting down and recodding it Bug free
Either way, there is nothing to do but sit and wait for Zynga to decide what they are going to do, for the moment I'm using more bookmarklets then ever, now that I have to use 1 to bank, 1 to heal, one for properties etc etc etc
Good going Zynga!


  1. I've been having a heck of a time just trying to bank money...whatever they did broke that function as well.

  2. Haha, I was the person that posted about the comment line on the Zynga forums :) It is funny when you see your digging quoted :) Cheers to TopMafia! :)
